Thursday, June 11, 2009

Its a feel-good thing...

It is indeed amazing to know how the little things in life have the most profound effects on our highly vulnerable lives.  Sometimes several small occurences gain a place so esteem in our lives that, all the other conspiciously massive happenings appear triflings. Sometimes its wisdom to not worry about the 'big' things in life because more often than not, they turn out to be pseudo-huge! [There's just too much of physics in my brains right now, thus, the word 'pseudo'!]

The past few weeks have been like a roller coaster ride for me. A moment I am happy and the next, I am clueless. But now that I sit and introspect about the whole phase, beautifully inconspicious things jump up and proclaim their genuine worth to me. I have come to realise that the best kind of happiness, that anyone can ever experience, is the one we get from our duirnal happenings, which suddenly make your whole life so worthwhile. Thats when you truly, madly, deeply start believing in the magical spell called, 'Life'!

To see a butterfly run about in a park is one of the most beautiful and serene scenes of the world. It exudes a feeling of freedom and vivaciousness. Little things like seeing two birds mate or birds taking care of their young ones - it all makes us feel so nice about it without any possible connection to us. Just like that, the small things in life like, hoping for your favourite song on radio and getting to hear it almost instantly, seeing a baby on the road and he/she smiling back at you when you give him/her a smile, thinking of the line of an old song, and suddenly recollecting it out of nowhere, picking up a proper dance step and being able to do that well,  your best friend complimenting you [Moreso when he/she is just too miserly with his/her compliments!], thinking of an old friend and receiving an SMS from him/her after a really long time, hearing something nice about yourself while you are trying to eavesdrop a conversation, being able to resist your favourite food while you are on diet, answering a quiz question right[accidentally!], screaming your lungs out while singing with friends in between classes, learning that your dad or mom is happy about something you did, being able to cook up a good meal, cleaning your cupboard after a long time and finding your old favourite shorts, reading the entries of your high school slam-book and feeling as if you were the most popular one out there, teasing a friend about an alleged link up, being able to crack a good joke without making a fool of yourself, helping the person on the road who lost his way, giving a ride to a person who cant find a rickshaw, coming to know that your crush asked about you to your friends, flirting innocently with a friend, saying 'Love You!' to the people you adore, telling the truth when mom asks something, suddenly realising that we always have a reason to smile.

The day we are able to find happiness in the smallest things in our life, that will be the day we'll start acuumulating our happiness for the big things in life. And for people like me, still waiting for a big thing to happen, I guess these small things will truly, madly, deeply keep us fine. After all 'Life is indeed Beautiful'!


  1. i read it again today after quite a while.. and i dont know why.. ive started feeling this is a lost existence in which we exist.. we so very easily forget who we are.. its like we give up our identity, our true aims in search of false appreciation.. all that we hanker for is sympathy, marks.. the "pseudo-feel-good" things out there.. your soo very right all the time megha.. hahaha.. and i know the "love You" part is naaice..

    Atharva.. :-)

  2. m so glad u lykd it atharva...n moreso coz dis is sumthin i truly believe in..!!!
